Author: SIEN Group
5-Fertilizers Products
- Post author By SIEN Group
- Post date June 30, 2020
- No Comments on 5-Fertilizers Products
منتجات الاسمده
شكراً لاهتمامكم بمنتجات وخدمات المجموعة العلمية للصناعات الكيماوية (ساين جروب).
نتشرف بتقديمنا كمجموعة رائدة في مجال الصناعات الكيماوية، حيث تأسست في العاشر من رمضان عام 1979، ومنذ ذلك الحين نكرس جهودنا لإنتاج مركبات كيميائية مبتكرة تلبي احتياجات السوق المحلية والعالمية في مختلف القطاعات الزراعية، الاستهلاكية، والخدمية.
تأتي رؤيتنا في تقديم أفضل الحلول الكيماوية من خلال تقنيات متقدمة وعمليات تصنيع مبتكرة. نفتخر بتخصصنا في قطاع إنتاج وتصنيع الأسمدة الزراعية منذ عام 2010، حيث نسعى دوماً لتحسين منتجاتنا من خلال عمليات البحث والتطوير المستمرة.
نفاخر بأن نكون روادًا في مجال الأسمدة الزراعية، حيث تحققت منتجاتنا أعلى مستويات الجودة والمواصفات، مما يجعلها تنافس بفخر مع أفضل المنتجات العالمية من حيث الجودة والقيمة الاقتصادية.
تعتمد عملياتنا على ثلاث وحدات إنتاج متخصصة تشمل الأسمدة البودرة، السائلة، والمعلقات، بالإضافة إلى الأسمدة المتخصصة بصورة سائلة وبودرة، مما يسمح لنا بتلبية احتياجات عملائنا بفاعلية وتفوق.
نحن نلتزم بالتميز والابتكار، ونتطلع إلى تقديم حلولنا الكيماوية المبتكرة لتلبية تطلعاتكم وتحقيق رؤيتنا المشتركة في تحسين جودة الحياة والمساهمة في التنمية المستدامة
رؤيتنا: عالم لا محدود من الإمكانيات! نطمح إلى أن نكون الرائدين عالميًا في حلول الكيمياء الثورية، مساهمين في تحسين جودة الحياة للمجتمعات حول العالم وصياغة مستقبل أكثر إشراقًا واستدامة.”
رسالتنا: نحن مهندسو الكيمياء للغد! مهمتنا هي أن نأسر الصناعات حول العالم بأعجوبات الكيمياء الحديثة. من خلال الابتكار المتواصل والتألق التشغيلي، نقوم بنحت حلول تتجاوز الحدود. نعزز النمو ونرعى البيئة ونؤيد ازدهار المجتمع.”
الابتكار: نحن رواد لا يعرفون الكلل، نستخدم الإبداع لنصقل حلولًا تعيد تعريف ما هو ممكن
التميز: الارتقاء بكل المعايير! نسعى للتميز بحماس، نضمن الجودة والاحترافية في جوهر كل ما نقوم به
الاستدامة: نتعهد بالالتزام بالبيئة، مساهمين في عالم مستدام وضمان ازدهار الأجيال القادمة
النزاهة: ما بعد الصدق، بناء الثقة! نحتفظ بأعلى المعايير الأخلاقية، نبني علاقات على الثقة والشفافية والنزاهة الراسخة
تركيز العميل: نجاحكم، إلهامنا! نتجاوز توقعاتكم، نتنبأ بالاحتياجات ونقدم حلولًا مصممة وموثوقة تدفع عملائنا إلى آفاق جديدة
التعاون: الوحدة في التنوع! نزدهر في ثقافة التعاون، حيث تتقاطع العقول المتنوعة، مشعلين الابتكار وتحقيق النجاح الجماعي
تطوير العاملين: النمو معًا، الازدهار معًا! نستثمر في أفرادنا، نوفر بيئة محفزة للنمو والتعلم، والنجاح المتبادل
المسؤولية الاجتماعية: ما بعد الأعمال، بناء المجتمعات! نشارك بنشاط في المبادرات التي تحقق تأثيرًا إيجابيًا، نؤيد المسؤولية الاجتماعية ورفاهية المجتمع
مجموعة منتجاتنا المتخصصة السائلة
مجموعة منتجاتنا المتخصصة البودر
مجموعه منتجاتنا أسمده مركبه معلق NPK
مجموعه منتجاتنا اسمده مركبه بودر NPK
- Post author By SIEN Group
- Post date December 1, 2019
Building & Construction Chemicals
(Additives, Repairing, Proofing, Tile Adhesives, Jointing, Painting, Finishing) New, Effective & Helpful Construction Technology
Our factories in the 10th of Ramadan city, produce several types of products and specific materials of high efficiency, which serve the building and construction chemical industries.
So that we save your time, effort and money required for fulfillment of those activities, also we provide this service with high efficiency and diploid the scientific chemical progress to serve this entire of this field.
Building & Construction Chemicals category includes:
[1] - Concrete, Mortar and Plaster Additives
- It is a strong plasticizer, improves the properties of fresh and hardened concrete considerably. It lowers the surface tension in the concrete mix, it forms a lubricating film which increases workability in spite of decreasing water ratio. Reduction of the cement content can be achieved in order to economize the concrete mix.
- It is a strong plasticizer, with melamine base for producing concrete mix with high workability, high stress and water resistant.
- It is a multipurpose construction adhesive emulsion, it can be added to concrete and mortar to get several advantages and excellent adhesion.
- It is a multi-purpose plasticizer, with excellent, unique, specific advantages. It can be added to concrete and cement mortar for various usage.
- It is a rapid setting mortar powder of high efficiency, can be added to cement with different ratios according to the required setting time.
[2] - Repairing and Restoration Mortars
- Is a strong coarse mortar, ready to be used for repairing honeycomb areas and fragments of great thickness. It can be molded, and after cure it won’t crack.
- Is a fine mortar ready to used for repairing all kinds of cracks and branched gaps with a thin layer, this layer is strong enough and will not be crashed after drying.
- Is a mortar ready for use, un-shrinkable after drying, of numerous usage and it can be poured.
- It is a two component epoxy paste, of multiple usage, it is used as an adhesive mortar for concrete and iron and as a water resistant coat.
[3] - Assisting Materials for Constructing
- It is an oil base product, used for forms (metal +wood). It can be sprayed or painted to facilitate separation and cleaning of steel dowels. It is used to achieve a smooth concrete surface (fair face concrete).
- It is a high quality curing agent, used to prevent evaporation of cement water in the concrete mix, specially during setting time of concrete. It prevents cracks created from shrinkage due to evaporation of cement water.
- Suitable for the etching of concrete floors and other surfaces prior to the application of surface coatings and toppings
- The product can also be used for the removal of mortar runs from brickwork, removal of hardened concrete from tools and machinery and the removal of rust and mill scale from mild steel.
- Formulated from a blend of inorganic acid, corrosion inhibitors and wetting agents. It is supplied as a clear liquid.
- Removes laitance and improves penetration of surface coatings into concrete substrate.
- Rapid action speeds preparation of concrete surfaces prior to application of surface coatings.
- Removes hardened concrete and allows refurbishment of tools and brushes.
- Removes mortar and allows the removal of unsightly mortar runs from surface.
- Produces surface texture provides a physical key to improve adhesion of surface coating.
- Is a liquid substance used for cleaning of different surfaces, from concrete and dry mortar without affecting the surface.
- Is a liquid substance, can be diluted with water by the radio of 1:10. It is used for rinsing surfaces previously treated with CN-C1 to remove its traces from the treated surface.
[4] - Protective Paints and Surfaces Proofing
- Flexible Epoxy matter, which is used for proofing and protecting metal surfaces against water, humidity and chemicals. It is applied by spraying or painting.
- Phosphatizing solution, is applying by spraying, painting or submerging. It forms inert film of Iron-zinc phosphate on the metal surface.
- It is an epoxy primer rolled by spraying or painting to form lining or final proofing film, with increase the binding with the finishing coat.
- Epoxy paints family, is used for internal proofing of tanks. It is an anti-fungus paint characterized by its smooth surface that prevents the growth of any bacteria or fungi.
- Epoxy paints family, is used for external proofing of tanks and basements. It is improves the scratch, friction and abrasion resistance.
- It is a paint used as heat insulator, for all substrates. It reflects sun-rays and disperse heat effectively. It can be applied by painting or spraying.
- It is a multi-uses epoxy paint, for proofing, preventing and protecting purposes. It can be apply on all wood, Iron and concrete surfaces.
- It is a proofing P.V.C. Epoxy paint, of high resistance for different types of acids, and sewage water.
- It is a proofing substance (cool tar epoxy), for all types of surfaces. It can be rolled to any thickness and numerous of faces.
- It is a proofing substance (cool tar-epoxy), for all types of surfaces, contains solvents. It can be rolled to a thickness of 250 microns for one face.
[5] - Tiles Adhesives and Jointing
- Strong and elastic acrylic cementitious mortar, it is a ready to use tile adhesive mixture, for adjusting different types of tiles. The minimum thickness of this unique mortar is 3:4 mm, and it is water resisting after full curing.
- Two components epoxy base mortar, distinguished by its high strength. It is used for adhesion tiles in a minimum thickness of 1:2 mm. This mortar is 100% water cut, and it adheres to all surfaces.
- It is a compound of high viscosity and elasticity, used for tile and mirror adhesion on wooden substrate. The minimum thickness of this tile adhesive is 1:2 mm.
- Strong and elastic acrylic cementitious mortar, to be used for filling joints with layer thickness ranging from 3:5 mm, easily used, water resisting and it has different colors.
- It is an epoxy base mortar, to fill joints in any thickness. It is distinguished by its good adhesion to all surfaces. Also it is an anti-fungus and prevents the growth of any bacteria, fungi and algae. Available in the required color.
- It is highly flexible grouting mortar, that has a high flow ability due to its low viscosity. It is formulated for grouting cracks with any thickness. It shows elastic and rubber touches after drying.
[6] - Artificial Flooring and Floors Painting
- Specific mortar epoxy flooring, of the thickness of 2:10 mm (and more). This specific flooring is scratch, water, oil, acid, chemical and load resistant. Also it is anti-fungus and prevents the growth of any bacteria, fungi and algae.
- It is an epoxy layer in different colors with a thickness of 1:1.5 mm, it is resistant to scratch, chemicals, water, oil and load. Also it is anti-fungus and prevents the growth of any bacteria, fungi and algae.
- It is epoxy paint in different colors with a thickness around 300 : 600 microns. It resist scratch, chemicals, water and oil, also it is anti-fungus and prevents the growth of any bacteria, fungi and algae.
- We produce all the required materials for the specific stamped concrete, like the specific concrete additive, concrete colors and concrete sealant. That all used with the concrete mixture to perform the stamped concrete.
- A three pack, acrylic polymer reinforced, cementitious flooring system formulated from a carefully selected acrylic polymer, cement and specially graded high strength aggregates.
- The product is laid by trowel at between 8mm to 25mm in depth to provide a hard wearing, water resistant cementitious floor topping.
- Provides a heavy duty flooring system with a high level of resistance to mechanical damage and light chemical attack.
- Ideally suited for use in areas where conventional granolithic and cementitious systems fail to give the necessary level of performance.
- Used in a wide range of environments including bakeries, food manufacturing areas, breweries, engineering shops, production areas, workshops and warehousing areas.
- Durable with high level of abrasion resistance.
- Low maintenance costs.
- Chemical resistant , with higher level of resistance to acids and alkalis than normal cementitious systems.
- Provides non-slip surface for pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
- Faster development (Fast cure) of compressive strength than conventional cementitious screeds.
- Aqueous dispersion of synthetic resin specially designed for the painting of tennis courts and sports fields in porous concrete.
- Very easy use due to the single-component structure.
- Surface structure offering an excellent compromise between skidding and blocking, even in the wet.
- Very good resistance of colors to light.
- Excellent wearing resistance.
- Painting of porous concrete flooring and grounds, new or to be renovated, indoors as well as outdoors.
- Surface protection and coloring leaving total porosity.
- Designed to harden, dustproof and improve the wear and chemical resistance of new or aged concrete and terrazzo floors. Also designed to penetrate into the structure of cementitious substrates resulting in a much more effective hardening and dust proofing at depth than conventional surface hardening treatments.
- In external locations it enhances resistance to weathering, acid and salt attack. The insoluble deposits left by the product in-depth hardening action serve to fill up small pores and reinforce weak floor areas.
- Can be used in a wide range of environments such as warehouses, jet and conventional aircraft hangars, commercial garages, chemical installations, hospitals, schools, dairies, bakeries, canning factories, laundries, textile mills, industrial plants, bridges, walls, pre-cast panels and columns etc
- Can also be used on sand/cement screeds which are to be covered by carpeting and are panels and columns (etc.), also can be used on sand/cement screeds which are to be covered by carpeting and are compatible with most resilient carpet tile adhesives.
- Improves resistance to most acids and alkalis, organic and inorganic chemicals, oils and greases.
- Penetrates cementitious substrates to harden and dustproof
- Improves wear resistance of concrete and terrazzo floors.
- Cleaning maintenance is greatly facilitated.
- Improves weather resistant resistance to acid and salt attack.
- A colorless solution of chemically active metallic fluosilicates and surfactants.
- Easy to apply, fast drying coating based on a highly flexible hardwearing resin blend. It contains neither oil nor wax and is non saponifiable.
- Provides simultaneous curing, sealing and dust-proofing of concrete floors. The tough abrasion resistant film, not only acts as a highly efficient curing membrane, but withstands rough treatment during construction work and reduces contamination.
- locks most of the curing moisture into the slip, and as a result the correct environment, vital to achieve maximum surface hardness, is created.
- Has good resistance to mild acids, alkalis, mineral oils and other chemicals. It has poor resistance to vegetable oils.
- Effectively dust-proofs both old and new concrete surfaces by depositing a tough resinous film, which fills in the pores and crevices caused by the finishing operation or wear and tear, and makes easy removal of dirt accumulations from the surface. Loose powdery surfaces are effectively bound together.
- Pigmented versions of the product are available for effectively providing colored finishes.
- Cures, seals and dust-proofs in one operation.
- Increases surface hardness when used as a curing membrane fast drying and permits early access to treated areas.
- Keeps newly placed floors cleaner during subsequent constructions operations
- Reduces maintenance costs.
- Can be applied on damp surfaces. Available in transparent or colored.
- Reapplication of additional coats needs no preparation other than cleaning.
[7] - Internal and External Finishing Coats and Paints
- Suitable for use as a decorative and protective coating on concrete, dense block work, wall renders polymer materials, asbestos cement and suitable brickwork.
- Produces a tough abrasion resistant film with excellent Ultra-Violet light resistance and exterior weathering properties.
- Protective coat that protects against atmospheric attack.
- Water Resistant and prevents moisture ingress.
- Dirt resistant, excellent dirt shedding properties.
- Can be applied at temperatures as low as -5 oC (Low Temperature Application).
- Excellent surface adhesion to a wide range of substrates.
- Inclement Weather Application, and unaffected by rain contact shortly after application.
- Available in a range of colors, in 3 finishes:
- Flat High Build
- Medium Textured
- High Textured
- Solvent based coating, formulated from Styrene-acrylate copolymer resins, solvents, carefully selected light stable pigments and fillers.
- Colorless solution of complex aluminum stearate based water repellent, suitable for most types of masonry including limestone, brick, mortar, concrete, cast stone and asbestos cement.
- The material is solvent based and formulated for treatment to new or existing exterior masonry surfaces.
- Provides water repellency to the structure from the effects of weather by prevention of moisture penetration. In the prevention of moisture penetration, the building is retained in a cleaner condition, staining is reduced and likewise efflorescene. Heat is retained within the building which would otherwise be lost through damp walls.
- The function of the product is to render walls highly water repellent.
- The ability of the wall to ‘breathe’ is maintained and moisture already within the masonry is allowed to evaporate.
- Is intended for above ground application. It is not intended to resist hydrostatic pressure, as might arise if it were employed for below ground work, such as basement walls or underground masonry.
- Additionally reduces damage to porous masonry materials caused by saturation e.g. damage due to frost.
- Ideally suitable for application to cement (lime)/sand finishes, rough cast or pebble-dash, weathered asbestos cement sheets, weathered concrete, brickwork (excluding dense or semi-glazed engineering bricks), natural stone and artificial stone.
- Prevents moisture penetration into substrate (Water/moisture repellent).
- Allows moisture within substrate to evaporate.
- Retains heat lost through damp walls
- Protects masonry and reduces porous materials damage caused by frost
- Reduces building staining and efflorescence.
- Kempleko paint is colored decorative coat, it is a high viscous acrylic colored paint, highly effective, can be applied using a roller (the rate is l kg/m2), has excellent wash ability, and doesn’t affected by sunshine.
- It is colored decorative coat, ready mix colored mortar, that be applied by using trowel, it gives numerous shapes with the required color (the rate is 3:4 kg/m2), Has excellent wash ability and doesn’t affected by sunshine.
- It is a ready mix fine paste, used for smoothing and leveling substrata, highly effective, with high adhesion to plaster, and it gives smooth surface for a very clear plastic emulsion finish.
- It is an emulsion coat, which can be used for interior walls with the desired color. It can be applied directly using wool or spongy roller or a brush, on all surfaces with a high efficiency.
- It is an emulsion coat, which can be used for interior and exterior walls, has high wash ability and humidity proofing, doesn’t affected by sunshine or rains and stable against withering.
- It is colored decorative coat, consists of colored granulate mixture ready mix mortar, can be used as abrasion and fire resistance interior and exterior walls. It does not affect by sunshine, water, wind and all withering.
- High quality white adhesive for wood works. It is an excellent adhesive with high adhesion power and good cohesion, because of its favorable transition point. It does not affect by water or heat after drying.
Kitchen and Food Preparing Section
- Post author By SIEN Group
- Post date December 3, 2019
- No Comments on Kitchen and Food Preparing Section
Kitchen and Food Preparing Section
The products that cover all the needs for Clean, Disinfect, remove, brighten, de-blocking, (..etc.), that is all needed for the preparing, serving or catering foods by the right way.
These products are very important for any kitchen or food preparing areas, to improve the service and guaranty the customer satisfaction.
Liquid detergent to be used in dishwashing machines, it is foamless and has a strong effect in cleaning all the items.
Special formulated oil, to be used in dishwashing machines for fast drying and for prevent the formation of lime and white spots on glasses and porcelain containers after their dryness.
Strong scales and salts remover from dishwashing machines.
Special dishwashing machines salt, which guarantee maximum effect for the machine with no blockage, and get maximum water softening which enhance the detergent and the machine performance.
High effective chemical compound, to restore shinning and brightness of porcelain, glasses surfaces, stainless, and aluminum and remove tea stains from it. To be applied by dipping after the dilution.
Strong dissolvent and cleaner of burnt greases, fats and oils from over all kinds of surfaces. it acts easily on cold or on hot surfaces with no need to any complicated operations. It completely and easily clean all ovens, grills, toasters, microwaves, plates, chinese, faceplate, tray, pasta and dough shaper (..etc.) from the yellowish and dark Browne contamination.
MASS 100
Multi-purposes Industrial liquid detergent, with strong cleaning power and good fragrance. It is concentrated and applied by washing for cleaning all kinds of kitchen containers like cups, pans, dishes, spoons (..etc.). It should be diluted with cold or hot water according to dirt type and contamination. Neutral detergent for general cleaning of all surfaces.
Very specific substance, to clean and disinfect all kitchen surfaces, items, floors, food preparing and presenting surfaces and kitchen containers like cups, pans, dishes, spoons (..etc.). It is a double function operation, cleaning of greases oils and fats, and Disinfecting from germs, fungi, bacteria (-ve and +ve grams), viruses and microorganisms. This product is odorless and in high concentrates form, so it must be diluted before work with it.
EXTRA CLEAN-C (Multi-Purpose Degreaser & Detergent)
A strong multi-purpose foaming water base remover and cleaner, that completely remove oils and grease from all kinds of surfaces. It is in high concentration form, to be diluted with high ratio of water
- EXTRA CLEAN-C formulated from organic substances, which has a neutral effect, so it can be used safely on painted, interior and delicate surfaces, and can be applied under different conditions, on various surfaces safely.
- EXTRA CLEAN-C can be recognized as an ideal mild and odorless cleaner for cleaning external and internal surfaces of vehicles, equipment, tools, machines, and ground floors including bitumen. It can be also used as an effective cleaner for very dirty textiles and carpets. For best results, it is recommended to rub thick layers of dirties or contamination’s and clots oils first.
- EXTRA CLEAN-C is non-toxic, non-flammable, and neutral; it does not affect the human health, so it can be stored, transport and handled safely. It is characterized by it ability to bio-degradation for all of its components.
A multi-purposes liquid detergent, which is compound from neutral organic substances, which have no side effects. It can be diluted with water to be used in unspecific periodical general cleaning. To be used in regular general cleaning purposes.
A specific detergent designed for cleaning all kinds of floors, to clean it from dirties and oils with high efficiency, to be diluted with water, non toxic and non flammable, may applied by rubbing with a brush.
Multi-uses, non toxic, strong odorless disinfectant, used to exterminate germs, fungi, bacteria (-ve and +ve grams), viruses and microorganisms. For disinfecting all kinds of delicate and sensitive surfaces with strong efficiency and to eliminates bad smells on it. It is high concentrated product, so it should be diluted by water before work with it.
-in soil spots and stains from all kinds of textiles and fabric, and make it ready to be removed when washed. It is applied on hard stained areas like collars and cuff, and it prevent re-sticking the stain to the fabric again. It may applied by scrubbing, or dipping.
Fragrant, multi-uses, non toxic, strong disinfectant, for disinfecting drainage pipes, sewers, garbage and floors against germs, fungi, bacteria (-ve and +ve grams), viruses and microorganisms. It also eliminates bad smells. It should be highly diluted with water.
Strong toxic disinfectant, for drainage pipe, sewers and garbage, against germs and insects. It also eliminate bad smells.
Drain de-blocking and disinfecting powder, it completely open the blocked pipes, drainage, basins, toilets, and clear their blocking by organic materials. And it disinfects these items from microorganisms, and eliminates bad smells. It doesn’t have any corrosion effect on iron metal, porcelain and plastic surfaces.
Gelatin fuel with high viscosity to be used in continues calm heating purposes under services pans. It is gelatin and in high viscosity shape so it is safe.
Laundry and Dry Cleaning Section
- Post author By SIEN Group
- Post date December 2, 2019
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Laundry and Dry Cleaning Section
The products that cover all the needs for wet or dry cleaning all textiles types and colors, it is specific products that gives the desired results with saving time.
These products effectively remove all types of spots, prevent spotting, cleaning, fabric softening, iron easiness, colors brightening, bleaching, deodorizing and freshening, (..etc.).
Multi-Purposes liquid detergent for clothes and textile cleaning, high efficiency, formulated based on organic compounds. Especially high foam formula for manual and half automatic washing machines cleaning.
Concentrated fabric softening substance, to give clothes the soft touch, good fragrance and bright color. It also loosens textiles intricacy to be adapted easily, fast and fixed ironing, and it prevent textiles static electricity to reduce the dust attraction and adapt comfort feeling.
To remove any traces of soap. It is acid based neutralizing substance, act to neutralize soap coexistence, and it drive efficiently fast dryness.
High efficiently bleaching substance, to be applied for white fabrics bleaching in washing circle.
High efficiently substance, to remove stains from over colored fabrics. It is color strengthener and brightener.
Strong remover to all kinds of dyes and stains for the white fabrics, it work by emulsifying them and prevent re-sticking of them to textile surfaces again.
A specific liquid substance to remove rust stains from over all kinds of fabrics. It act by breaking rust and dissolve it without affecting the textile. It is applied by scrub and rub.
A specific substance to remove liquid and thick ink from over all kinds of fabrics. It acts by analyze and dissolve ink spot by scrub and rub. It also work for several types of spots like Asphalt, Crayon, Grass, Gravy, Lotion, Grease, Hair Dressing, Lipstick, Lotion, Tar, Wax, Makeup, Mascara, Ointment, Paints, Salad Dressing, Shoe Polish, Suntan, Oil, (..etc.).
A substance to remove blood stains from over all kinds of textiles. It may applied by scrubbing, or dipping. It also work for removing several types of spots like Candy, Chocolate, Cocoa, Egg, Food, Ice-cream, Jelly, Ketchup, Milk, Mayonnaise, (..etc.).
A substance to remove Beverage stains from over all kinds of textiles. It may applied by scrubbing, or dipping. It also work for removing several types of spots like Beer, Coffee, Fruit, Juice, Liquor, Soft drink, Tannin, Tea, Wine, (..etc.).
A substance to remove Dyes, iodine and Liquid and Medicines stains from over all kinds of textiles. It may applied by scrubbing, or dipping.
A substance to remove and break greases, fats, oils, Perspiration and Ground-in soil spots and stains from all kinds of textiles and fabric, and make it ready to be removed when washed. It is applied on hard stained areas like collars and cuff, and it prevent re-sticking the stain to the fabric again. It may applied by scrubbing, or dipping.
A substance to remove Chewing Gum stains from over all kinds of textiles. It may applied by scrubbing, or dipping.
Simple to use, dry and fast remover (dry fabric stains removing) with out water and with no need to wash or even taking the clothes or the fabric off. It is new advanced theoretical in removing fat, oil and grease stains, from fabrics and textiles. When sprayed on the stain, the product will gives a wet powder, after 15 : 20 minutes it convert to dry powder. By removing the dry powder (by brush), it will easy remove taken the stain with it, and leave the fabric clean. Can be used for clothes, fabric seats, carpets and curtains (for all automotive & household upholstery).
Dry stains removers from over textile. It acts easily by breaking and dissolving oils and greases stains. It is applied by direct spraying.
Housekeeping and Internal Supervision Section
- Post author By SIEN Group
- Post date December 2, 2019
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Housekeeping and Internal Supervision Section
The products that cover all the needs for the open and public areas, to be cleaned and to look luxury and smell nice, like entrance, reception, halls, corridors, stairs, elevators, restaurants hall, rooms, toilets, public halls, floors, terraces, conference rooms, car & bus interior, (..etc.).
For this type of areas, we produce special industrial detergents that Clean, Disinfect, Brighten, the items that form it. Of course we didn’t forget to fresh the air and remove bad smell.
Air fragrant of long lasting attractive smell. It also affects small insects and makes them run away. It has no side effect and doesn’t contain any dangerous substances on human health.
Luxury creamy-liquid hand soap contains lanolin in high concentration. It has special perfume and could be used in ordinary and automatically liquid soap machine (dispenser). It is soft with fresh fragrance, found in attractive colors. Mild and gentle on hands and skin.
NEW G. 14
Carpets & fabrics shampoo, cleaner & brightener that gives several advantages. Special formula, to clean and treat carpets, moquettes, and different types of fabrics, in one step. Specifically designed to Clean, Brighten, De-soiling, Anti-static, and exchange un-pleasant odors inside fabrics and textile. Extremely concentrate, to be diluted with water in high ratio, for cleaning and treating carpets, moquettes, different types of fabrics, and inside the car (for all Automotive and Household fabric upholstery).
Carpets & fabrics shampoo (for extreme cleaning). Special formula, to clean carpets, moquettes, and different types of fabrics. Specifically designed to safely clean, with no harm for the materials or for the colors. Extremely concentrate, to be diluted with water in high ratio, for cleaning carpets, moquettes, different types of fabrics, and inside the car. For all Automotive and Household fabric upholstery.
Specific water base stain remover for all kind of textiles (chairs, curtains, carpets) act to impulse the stain and dissolve it with water by scrubbing and prevent it from striking to the textile again.
One step, fabric guard, stains resisting shield. Unique formula that protect and reduce the porosity in fabrics and textiles, and make it liquids repellent. Forms stable insulation and non-obvious thin film, that resist fabrics absorption and stain adherence. Prevent Coffee, Tea, Beverage, Blood, Medicine, and dye stains to adhere to fabrics and textiles surfaces. Protects fabrics against spotting. Repels water and oil-based stains. Provide “UV” protection to resists premature fading, It will not change the feel of the fabric, and can be used on most fiber types or colors (for all Automotive and Household fabric upholstery).
Special and natural leather cleaner and conditioner. High quality one step conditioner, designed to gently clean, restores and protect all types of leather. It is PH balanced, water base formula, safe to use on both car interiors and fine household leather goods. Releases original leathers shape, and restore original leathers shine. Cleans and remove oils and soils from all types of leather trim. Restores natural softness and protects against harmful “UV” rays. For all Automotive and Household leather upholstery. Ultimate leather treatment enriched with completely natural Aloe and softeners.
High gloss protectant & shiner (for leather, rubber, vinyl & plastic) in water base and odor less, to cleans, shines and protects, lather, plastic, rubber, vinyl and wood. Gives spectacular long lasting High Gloss (shine), with high protection against cracking and UV damage. Reduce static electricity, which cause dust and dirt attraction. To be used for the cars (inside/outside), and for different personal & household goods. Available in the desired application methods, (Foam + Liquid + sponge), also available with pleasant different fragrances if required.
Special brighter for stainless steel, to remove stains of rust, oils and mat. It efficiently and quickly gives brightness and vitality without affecting the surfaces.
Special material to brightening all kinds of copper removing stains and copper oxide and to give glossy appearance extend to a long period, strong effect, high efficiency. It doesn’t contain any substance which affects human health.
Special product to brightening silver, it acts to removes oxides from over silver work, Jewelry and containers without any side effects on the surface. It is applied by scrubbing.
Special brightened to nickel or nickel chromium materials such as knobs, taps and other, to remove limp, stains and to give the surface distinguish brightness. It is applied by scrubbing.
Liquid brightener and cleaner for wooden parts and floors, furniture and wood work. It is applied to all kinds of woods makes it bright and shiny.
Strong effect substance for cleaning and brightening glasses, mirrors and reflex surfaces. It works to remove all lime, stains and give clearer vision.
Strong product to quicken the operation of removing pre-existent floor wax from over walls, floors and marble surfaces to re-polish it.
Specific substance to polish floors, surfaces and marble counters to clear up colors and natural beauty of marble. Its effect is long lasting.
Analyses substance to remove rust, salts scales, and cemented precipitation from over all kinds of surfaces. It is characterized of strong efficiency. It is applied by spray, paint or scrub.
Specific pine disinfectant, cleans, disinfects and deodorises. Cleans all surfaces, kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, also it acts as deodorizer that replaces unpleasant odors. It is a multi using purposes product characterized by its strong efficiency even after dilution.
Concentrated Black disinfectant with carbolic acid base, to be used in cleaning and disinfecting bath room’s surfaces, sewers and drainage pipes. It also characterized by its ability to make different insects escape and leave the area. Also it acts as deodorizer that replaces unpleasant odors.
Strong cleaner and disinfectant for toilets, urinal, basins, partitions and toilets floors and walls, to remove yellowish color and scales, and prevent presence and growth of fungi in case of regular using. Also it acts as deodorizer that replaces unpleasant odors.
SIEN 5000 W
Special liquid substance to be sprayed on al kinds of woods to prevent wood putrefy and to drive away all kinds of insets, wood worm and prevent its growth.
4-Petroleum & Specific Cleaners
- Post author By SIEN Group
- Post date November 28, 2019
- No Comments on 4-Petroleum & Specific Cleaners
Petroleum & Specific Cleaners
(Degreasers, Detergents, Tank & Platforms Cleaner, Rig Wash, Drilling Detergent, Carbon Remover, Sludge Liquefier, Safe Cleaning Solvent)
Effective Cleaning for Different Surfaces & Parts
Due to our studies and our huge experience in dealing with all types of oils and its behavior, we invented and developed several types of petroleum & specific cleaners, these products are used for cleaning any surfaces contaminated with petrol or carbon residual.
Of course each product has its unique specs and usage purpose, check the following introduction for each product to know more about this category.
Petroleum & Specific Cleaners
New Technology, Heavy Duty Degreaser & Detergent (for everything)
D.G.S.500 O,S (New Technology, Heavy Duty Degreaser & Detergent) A unique, heavy duty, multipurpose, medium foaming water base and completely new degreaser and detergent, it
Ultra Heavy Duty Degreaser & Detergent (for heavy contamination)
D.G.S. 500 (Ultra Heavy Duty Degreaser & Detergent) A new special foaming water base and environmentally friendly formulation, based on organic, non-corrosive, non- toxic, non-caustic,
EXTRA CLEAN-C (Multi-Purpose Degreaser & Detergent)
EXTRA CLEAN-C (Multi-Purpose Degreaser & Detergent) A strong multi-purpose foaming water base remover and cleaner, that completely remove oils and grease from all kinds of
SURFC-12 (Degreaser & Detergent – for textiles and other surfaces)
SURFC-12 (Degreaser & Detergent – for textiles and other surfaces) A powerful emulsion cleaner for removal of all types of greases and oils form textile,
SOFT-X (Hand Cleaner)
SOFT-X (Hand Cleaner) Water base hand cleaner, used to get rid of oils, fats, grease and fuel that pollute hands. It is economic, non toxic,
DRAG (Degreaser & Disinfectant)
DRAG (Degreaser & Disinfectant) A new generation of foaming water base degreasers that provide triple effects in one product:
WG-24 (Degreaser)
WG-24 (Degreaser) A champion non-foaming degreaser, used as a strong water washable, substituent for kerosene. It can be diluted and rinsed with water, used for
WG-25 (Platforms Cleaner)
WG-25 (Platforms Cleaner) A strong non-foaming cleaner, used to clean and get rid of oils clots and sludge, from platforms, all kinds of engines and
R.W-20 (Rig Wash)
R.W-20 (Rig Wash) A mixture of organic derivatives and surfactants, that is specially designed to be used as a very effective water base and highly
D.D-35 (Drilling Detergent)
D.D-35 (Drilling Detergent) A highly biodegradable, high performance, drilling detergent. Formulated from organic, non- toxic, non-corrosive, non-caustic, non-flammable, natural, and readily highly biodegradable ingredients. This
H.DEGRASOL (Tank Cleaner)
H.DEGRASOL (Tank Cleaner) A strong and effective dissolver and cleaner, for cleaning all fuel, oil and petrochemicals tanks. It is used easily and in sufficient
A.D.L-11 (Alkaline Degreaser – Liquid Form)
A.D.L-11 (Alkaline Degreaser – Liquid Form) A blend of surfactants, water-based solvents, de-rusts agent and alkaline detergents, specially formulated to melt away oily deposits from
A.D.P-12 (Alkaline Degreaser – Powder Form)
A.D.P-12 (Alkaline Degreaser – Powder Form) A concentrate powder, to be dissolved in hot water to clean ferrous surfaces contaminated with fats, oils and greases
CH-1000 (Sludge Liquefier & Carbon remover)
CH-1000 (Sludge Liquefier & Carbon remover) Liquefacient for frozen oils, with strong detergent for washing of oil circuits, coolers, spare parts and tanks, to get
C.R-200 (Carbon Remover)
C.R-200 (Carbon Remover) A strong carbon remover, to get rid of carbon residual, oils and greases pending matter on spare parts and various surfaces. Also
SUPER LIGHT (Multi-Purpose Liquid Detergent)
SUPER LIGHT (Multi-Purpose Liquid Detergent) A multi-purposes liquid detergent, which is compound from neutral organic substances, which have no side effects. It can be diluted
S.L-9 (General Floor Cleaning Detergent)
S.L-9 (General Floor Cleaning Detergent) A specific detergent designed for cleaning all kinds of floors, to clean it from dirties and oils with high efficiency,
E.C.C.-220 (Fast Dry Safe Cleaning Solvent)
E.C.C.-220 (Fast Dry Safe Cleaning Solvent) Fast dry cleaner, for electronics and printed circuits, without power shut down. It is a fast evaporating cleaner, doesn’t
E.C.C.-110 (Dry Safe Cleaning Solvent)
E.C.C.-110 (Dry Safe Cleaning Solvent) Safe dry cleaning solvent, for different mechanical and electrical parts cleaning (carbon brush, spare parts, generators, casing, (etc.). It is
AC-40 (Oily Safe Cleaning Solvent)
AC-40 (Oily Safe Cleaning Solvent) One step cleaner and lubricant for moving mechanical and electrical parts (buttons, hinges, (etc.), prevents rust, protects against breaking, prevents
D.G.S.500 O,S (New Technology, Heavy Duty Degreaser & Detergent)
A unique, heavy duty, multipurpose, medium foaming water base and completely new degreaser and detergent, it is 100% environmentally friendly degreaser that completely removes and eliminates all oil base contamination without side effect, and can be applied under different conditions.
D.G.S. 500 O,S is a safe product that can be used on any surface and even for human body. It never harm or damage all the surfaces (even the delicate ones) to be clean like plastic, fiber, glass, rubber, paint, concrete, wood, metal surfaces etc.
D.G.S. 500 O,S is a new degreaser designed according to a new technology, it is based on organic, non-corrosive, non- toxic, non-caustic, non-flammable, neutral (pH 7:8), water base, anti-pollution, and highly biodegradable compounds. Also this new degreaser has slightly acceptable mild odor (no harsh smell).
All of that makes D.G.S. 500 O,S as a new degreaser is ideal for all different specific and multi-purpose cleaning, that can be used for cleaning any in-or-out door objects, also for any in-or-off shore jobs, and have a very good oil dispersion power in the water medium.
D.G.S. 500 O,S is produced in a high concentration form, that is after water dilution in high ratio, eliminate any oil base pollution in a semi-liquid form, by transfer it to 100% water washable material, also it is designed to make the oil base pollution completely loose its stickiness and its adherence ability to any surfaces, and emulsify it at once. It is recommended to rub thick layers of dirties or contamination’s and clots oils first.
D.G.S. 500 O,S can be safely and effectively used for all household, automotive, workshop, fabric, floors, and machine cleaning purposes, and due to its non-harmful hi-specs and the approximate odorless merit, it can be used in closed and non-ventilated areas and tanks in all of the oil fields, marines and militaries applications.
D.G.S. 500 (Ultra Heavy Duty Degreaser & Detergent)
A new special foaming water base and environmentally friendly formulation, based on organic, non-corrosive, non- toxic, non-caustic, non-flammable, neutral (pH 7:8), water soluble, anti-pollution, and highly biodegradable compounds, to be used as a Heavy duty Multipurpose degreaser & oil clots remover. It is used for cleaning all the surfaces (after diluted with water) from fats, lubricants, hydraulic and mineral oils, greases, carbon, bitumen, sludge, crude and refined oil efficiently.
D.G.S. 500 is a high concentrate product that can be diluted and rinsed by water. Even with the dilution range of 1:50 water, D.G.S. 500 will still be very effective in cleaning all the surfaces from oil base pollution. Also D.G.S. 500 never harm or damage all the main surfaces to be cleaned like glass, concrete, wood, and metal surfaces like Iron, Zinc, Aluminum, Copper, etc. in any dilution rate. Due to its industrial odor, so it is not recommended for closed and non-well ventilated areas.